in my last post about the project i neglected to mention our presentation. considering how last minute it was (in terms of putting it together) it went extremely well. about 30 people showed up, most from the university (where it was held) but also some people from CRESP and also transtech. the three of us (francis, kassoum, and i) were in the same room a total of 5 minutes the entire day, just enough to go over what slides we'd put together, but no time to practice. francis and i alternated talking about the slides and kassoum translated it all into french. i don't think he knew what we were saying part of the time, so he'd just say his own thing and also add some additional information, which was great. in total it probably lasted an hour, then we took everyone out to the shop to look at the (mostly) finished mold.
after a good organizational meeting yesterday with everyone involved, i feel much better about the state of the project. assuming everyone sticks to the schedule (which will be my job to make sure that happens), we should be assembling the first prototype my last weekend here and presenting the finished prototype the day i leave. so that's encouraging, just need to make sure things stay on track.
francis left last night after some lessons on how to make bissap and orange gingembre (two excellent senegalese juices) which he gave me a bottle of each. so now the fate of the project is in my hands, though he'll still be doing some work in the US on the project.
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